Elizabeth Alsobrooks
Urban Fantasy Author
Urban Fantasy Author
Astarte, Queen of the Usurper's Empire

Mother to Nalini, Astarte is also a keeper of secrets, a weaver of dreams, clair-voyant and skilled in alchemy.
She is married to the most dangerous man alive, so she has learned how to survive. As third wife, she may not have become queen, despite Set's passion for her, except that his first two wives are conveniently out of the picture. She will do anything to keep her daughter safe, but she feels powerless to stop the outcome of the visions she has seen. Her visions always come true, but not always in the way she expected.
She is married to the most dangerous man alive, so she has learned how to survive. As third wife, she may not have become queen, despite Set's passion for her, except that his first two wives are conveniently out of the picture. She will do anything to keep her daughter safe, but she feels powerless to stop the outcome of the visions she has seen. Her visions always come true, but not always in the way she expected.
©2014-2022 Elizabeth Alsobrooks. All rights reserved.