Urban Fantasy Author
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An unambitious young man finally finds himself, only to nearly lose everything in an apparent web of international economic terrorism and intrigue. But, as his world begins to unravel, has he become genuinely delusional? Or is he really on to one of the most dangerous global conspiracies of all time? Against all odds, only love and a true friend's faith can save both him and the world as we know it from the abusive power of evil.
Lary weaved in and out of traffic driving like a maniac toward the intersection of I-495 and the beltway. He continued on the bluetooth. 'Good work, by the way.'
Marvin kicked back in his chair. His pale and puffy moon face was lit by the glow of several monitors in the darkened room. He casually shoveled a handful of Cheddar Jalapeno Cheetos into his mouth, crunched a few times then continued. 'Lucky break. Seeing that woman with the manager down by 3410. I thought something was up. Especially when that hillbilly retard started showing her the camera.' 'How'd you know when to look?' He slapped his hands across each other to remove the crumbs. Flecks of fluorescent orange dust fell all over his coffee stained stretched out blue business shirt. 'Trade secret, boss.' He giggled. 'No, really. I have a passive IR device hooked up to an android cellphone utilizing an IP webcam application that is pointed down that alley. Every time something crosses it, I get several JPEG photo captures that are instantly emailed to me with a security alert.' 'English, please.' 'A gadget that spies better than Nick Fury and Elektra combined. And like I said last night, yesterday morning's capture feed looked suspicious.' 'Good work.' He crossed into the shoulder just inside the fast lane and passed three cars in a row. 'Any other subsequent feeds give you a better view of our mysterious woman?' Marvin swallowed and coughed. 'Not really. Damn nice ass, though. Athletic. Dark hair. Just saw her from back. Plus those cameras they have out there are total crap. That moron doesn't give a rat's ass about his system. Now, if it was me, I'd have—' 'Enough, Marvin. Look, hang tight. I may need your help again if they happen to get loose. Remember our agreement.' Silence. He patted his suit coat. 'Mr. Glock and I are going to make this collection call.' ![]()
John grew up in Rancho Palos Verdes, California and graduated from UC Davis with a B.A. Degree in Economics and has worked in numerous corporate finance and project management jobs in the consumer electronics and IT industries. In 1990, after taking an extended backpacking trip of the South Pacific before attending graduate school, he met his would be wife and in 1991 was married. They settled back in Irvine and South Orange County area of California. In 2003, he and his family (now with two kids in tow) relocated to Christchurch, New Zealand.
John's interest in writing began when he was a student at UC Davis, having worked as a Feature Writer for the California Aggie Newspaper. Possessing the desire to write again, and with a bucket list goal of eventually trying his hand at thriller novels, he took the plunge, and in 2014, began writing his first novel, The Fiduciary Delusion. John's interests also include: science, existential philosophy, health, and both western and eastern holistic medicine. John also plays guitar, piano, sings and writes music. In addition, John is an admitted “gym rat” and can be regularly found lifting weights, trudging up hills, sea kayaking, and getting out and about enjoying the beautiful wild outdoors. Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Fiduciary-Delusion-John-Molik-ebook/dp/B01DWA5BVW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1471837879&sr=8-1&keywords=the+fiduciary+delusion#nav-subnav AmazonUK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fiduciary-Delusion-John-Molik-ebook/dp/B01DWA5BVW/ Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29866402-the-fiduciary-delusion Ask David: http://askdavid.com/reviews/book/conspiracy-thriller/13075
Sisters in magic, Eolyn and Adiana seek to revive a millennial tradition once forbidden to women. When war strikes, their fledgling community of magas is destroyed; its members killed, captured or scattered.
Determined to defend her people, Eolyn seeks to escape the occupied province and deliver to King Akmael a weapon that might secure their victory. Trapped by the invading army, Adiana is taken prisoner and placed at the mercy of the ruthless Prince Mechnes. Even as their world is torn asunder, Eolyn and Adiana cling to a common dream. Courage and perseverance guide them toward a future where the Daughters of Aithne will flourish in a world set free from the violence of men. "War propels the story forward, and the characters are at their best when circumstances are at their worst." -Publishers Weekly This is the second book in THE SILVER WEB trilogy. It can be read as a stand-alone novel, or as the sequel to the first book, EOLYN.
Mechnes strode to the table where a soldier had left Renate’s head. He took his time unwrapping the bundle, exposing Renate’s matted tresses, the ragged edge of severed flesh, the face—oh, Renate’s face! Stiff, gray, and lifeless. Never again would she laugh, drink wine, cast a spell, or heal a friend.
Adiana’s stomach clenched, and she fought the surge of bile in her throat. Calm, she told herself. I must remain calm. Just as Renate had, just like Eolyn would, without as much as a change in the rhythm of her breath. “Who is this woman?” Mechnes’s voice hit Adiana like a spear. “It is…” Adiana’s throat tightened. “Was Maga Eolyn.” Mechnes grunted as he studied the gruesome package. “And who are you?” “My name is Adiana.” “You are this woman’s scullery maid?” Adiana swallowed. She had learned how to lie during her youth in Selkynsen, after her parents were killed and she fled to the piers. Lies must be presented on a bed of truth, or they lose their seductive power. “No, I am not a servant. I am a musician from Selkynsen. Maga Eolyn brought me to Moehn to teach music to her students.” “Music?” Amusement broke on Mechnes’s face. He seemed genuinely surprised. “What use do magas have for music?” “Music is also magic, according to the traditions of Moisehén. Eolyn says…used to say that it’s a form of Primitive Magic, the oldest and most sacred of all.” “So you are a maga?” “No.” The thought came, terrible and unbidden, that now she would never be. “I only play music.” “Then Maga Eolyn was trying to protect you by saying you were a scullery maid? How curious.” Mechnes draped one end of the bloodied cloth over Renate’s disfigured face. “I can assure you a musician will find a much better place among the Syrnte than a scullery maid.” “I don’t intend to find a place among the Syrnte.” Adiana’s breath stalled under the look he gave her. “What I mean is, my home is here, in Moisehén, not with the Syrnte.” “It’s all one kingdom now. Or perhaps better stated, will be soon.” ![]()
Karin Rita Gastreich writes stories of ordinary women and the extraordinary paths they choose. She lives in Kansas City, Missouri, where she is part of the biology faculty at Avila University. An ecologist by vocation, Karin has wandered forests and wildlands for over twenty years. Her past times include camping, hiking, music, and flamenco dance. In addition to THE SILVER WEB trilogy, Karin has published short stories in World Jumping, Zahir, Adventures for the Average Woman, and 69 Flavors of Paranoia. She is a recipient of the Spring 2011 Andrews Forest Writer’s Residency.
Website: http://krgastreich.com Twitter: @EolynChronicles Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Eolyn-110814625640244/ Purchase link for SWORD OF SHADOWS, Book Two of THE SILVER WEB: https://www.amazon.com/Sword-Shadows-Silver-Web-Book-ebook/dp/B01G5L1GEG/ Purchase link for EOLYN, Book One of THE SILVER WEB: http://www.amazon.com/Eolyn-Silver-Web-Book-1-ebook/dp/B01B8F4G50/ |
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