Urban Fantasy Author
Book Bling Blog
Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Sign up below with your name, blog and email and share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday. Your post needs to be live between 12:00 noon on Saturday 09/24/16 and 09:00 AM on Sunday 09/25/16. Visit the other participants on the list and read, critique and comment on their 8sunday posts. Spread the word, share the love, warriors. Twitter hashtag #8sunday. I have been sharing from my short story "The Opal Ring" which is now available for preorder! and will be for sale on October 15th in Tell-Tale Publishing's Annual Horror Anthology. Previously we learned that Jasmine is her father's magician's assistant and uses true magic to enhance her father's performances. They have lived in her evil uncle's casino hotel in Cairo, Egypt, since the death of her mother. In an effort to escape her uncle, she has come up with a plan with the aid of her best friend, Ahmed, to boost her father's magic enough to secure a contract in Vegas and move back to America. The plan involves the legendary Ring of King Solomon, and the jinni it controls... “That ring--where did you get it?” “This?” Jasmine grasped the opal ring and began to tug on it, twisting and turning, but it refused to move. Her father grabbed her hand and pulled it until she finally cried out in protest. “We have to get it off,” he said, "how did you find it when I flushed it down the commode on the jet before we landed six years ago?” “What are you saying, father, you have seen this ring before?” He backed away and ran his hand through his hair, looking haggard, older than his forty-eight years of a sudden. “It was your mother’s. It was buried with her.” Description Over 250 pages of nail-biting, edge-of-your-seat thrills! “The Opal Ring” by Elizabeth Alsobrooks: Upon the death of her mother, Jasmine accompanies her distracted, grief-stricken father to her perverted uncle's hotel in Cairo, Egypt. She takes her mother's job and becomes the magician's assistant and also learns to enhance her father's magic with spells discovered from her mother's Book of Shadows. They carry on, but all is not as it seems. Behind the glitz and glamour the smiling facade is a true illusion. Jasmine is in danger and needs to escape the gilded cage in which she's imprisoned. Her magic, though strong, is not powerful enough, so she plans to use a talisman she acquires from an antiquities dealer with the help of her one true friend, Ahmed, the hotel's security assistant. The legendary ring of King Solomon will enable her to control a terrifying but powerful jinni. He will boost her father's magic enough to secure a contract in Vegas so they can return to America. But at what cost? "Mary-Margaret Callahan’s Perfect Day" by Joseph J. Christiano: Mary-Margaret doesn't have a perfect life. She doesn't have a perfect husband, or a perfect son. Her house, her garden and her job aren't perfect. In fact, some might say she's a pretty boring woman, with a somewhat miserable existence. Most people take her for granted, and those that do notice probably pity her, but not for long. Mary-Margaret isn't the sort of person that holds one's attention for too long. Sometimes her husband looks up from the paper to comment about something, usually something casual, or something critical. Her son usually likes to complain or to cuss. But Mary-Margaret has a plan. She's going to have a perfect day. A day just for herself. "The Vanishing of Princess Devonswan" by Daniel Hunter: The princess has vanished and it seems certain that she has been taken by the other-worldly creature rumored to inhabit the mysterious castle within the forbidden forest. Only her personal guard, Sir Victor Winchester, has the strength and determination to brave the labyrinth of corridors and ever-changing staircases that lead nowhere and then back to where he started. Only someone who cares for the princess as deeply as Victor would follow the sound of a lonely violin that draws him further into the depth of the sinister dwelling. And only a princess who cares enough for Victor's survival that she is both angry at him for coming after her and relieved to see him arrive would be resilient and tough enough to tell him to hurry--because when he finally finds the princess, it seems unlikely that either of them will escape what is racing toward them to end their lives. "The Keeper's Secret" by Robert James: Megan misses her mom, but her dad took her to Shawnee Point Lighthouse on Lake Michigan for her 17th birthday. That's where she met Joseph. He used to be the lighthouse keeper., and he's got a really big problem. He needs Megan to help him with it. She's the only one who can, but she might not be able to if her dad has her put back in the nut house. Her shrink isn't much help, aside from being a drunk, because he doesn't believe her any more than her dad does. The problem is that no one believes her. That's why she can't tell her dad about Joseph. He wouldn't understand. But how is it her fault that Joseph is a ghost and she can see and talk to him? To all of them? "Terrible Choices" by Patricia Mattern: When a research scientist is abducted by a cartel during a romantic getaway with his wife, he is faced with stunningly terrible choices:. Will he betray his government to save his family—or save his family and become a traitor? His captors have no idea that he is not as vulnerable as he seems. All his neurons will be working overtime as he outwits his captors and escapes, though not unscathed, from an unthinkable situation. I hope you enjoyed the snippet I posted for Elizabeth this week! I am so releaved that scary jinni is back in the ring, at least for now! But I need to find out how the ring was buried with her mother and her father flushed it down the toilet on a plane and now it's on Jasmine's hand...spooky! Be sure to visit the other Weekend Writing Warriors and #Snippet Sunday authors for some more great reads!
Also, DON'T TELL ELIZABETH, but I found out that you can sign your blog up for the Haunted Blogs Hop at her publisher, Tell-Tale Publishing's Haunted Halloween Party NOW! if you sneak over to (http://www.halloweenhorrorparty.org/haunted-blogs-hop) because I just signed Elizabeth's Blog Book Bling up for it! LOL!
An unambitious young man finally finds himself, only to nearly lose everything in an apparent web of international economic terrorism and intrigue. But, as his world begins to unravel, has he become genuinely delusional? Or is he really on to one of the most dangerous global conspiracies of all time? Against all odds, only love and a true friend's faith can save both him and the world as we know it from the abusive power of evil.
Lary weaved in and out of traffic driving like a maniac toward the intersection of I-495 and the beltway. He continued on the bluetooth. 'Good work, by the way.'
Marvin kicked back in his chair. His pale and puffy moon face was lit by the glow of several monitors in the darkened room. He casually shoveled a handful of Cheddar Jalapeno Cheetos into his mouth, crunched a few times then continued. 'Lucky break. Seeing that woman with the manager down by 3410. I thought something was up. Especially when that hillbilly retard started showing her the camera.' 'How'd you know when to look?' He slapped his hands across each other to remove the crumbs. Flecks of fluorescent orange dust fell all over his coffee stained stretched out blue business shirt. 'Trade secret, boss.' He giggled. 'No, really. I have a passive IR device hooked up to an android cellphone utilizing an IP webcam application that is pointed down that alley. Every time something crosses it, I get several JPEG photo captures that are instantly emailed to me with a security alert.' 'English, please.' 'A gadget that spies better than Nick Fury and Elektra combined. And like I said last night, yesterday morning's capture feed looked suspicious.' 'Good work.' He crossed into the shoulder just inside the fast lane and passed three cars in a row. 'Any other subsequent feeds give you a better view of our mysterious woman?' Marvin swallowed and coughed. 'Not really. Damn nice ass, though. Athletic. Dark hair. Just saw her from back. Plus those cameras they have out there are total crap. That moron doesn't give a rat's ass about his system. Now, if it was me, I'd have—' 'Enough, Marvin. Look, hang tight. I may need your help again if they happen to get loose. Remember our agreement.' Silence. He patted his suit coat. 'Mr. Glock and I are going to make this collection call.' ![]()
John grew up in Rancho Palos Verdes, California and graduated from UC Davis with a B.A. Degree in Economics and has worked in numerous corporate finance and project management jobs in the consumer electronics and IT industries. In 1990, after taking an extended backpacking trip of the South Pacific before attending graduate school, he met his would be wife and in 1991 was married. They settled back in Irvine and South Orange County area of California. In 2003, he and his family (now with two kids in tow) relocated to Christchurch, New Zealand.
John's interest in writing began when he was a student at UC Davis, having worked as a Feature Writer for the California Aggie Newspaper. Possessing the desire to write again, and with a bucket list goal of eventually trying his hand at thriller novels, he took the plunge, and in 2014, began writing his first novel, The Fiduciary Delusion. John's interests also include: science, existential philosophy, health, and both western and eastern holistic medicine. John also plays guitar, piano, sings and writes music. In addition, John is an admitted “gym rat” and can be regularly found lifting weights, trudging up hills, sea kayaking, and getting out and about enjoying the beautiful wild outdoors. Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Fiduciary-Delusion-John-Molik-ebook/dp/B01DWA5BVW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1471837879&sr=8-1&keywords=the+fiduciary+delusion#nav-subnav AmazonUK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fiduciary-Delusion-John-Molik-ebook/dp/B01DWA5BVW/ Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29866402-the-fiduciary-delusion Ask David: http://askdavid.com/reviews/book/conspiracy-thriller/13075 Spread the word, share the love, warriors. Twitter hashtag #8sunday! Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Sign up below with your name, blog and email and share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday. Your post needs to be live between 12:00 noon on Saturday 09/17/16 and 09:00 AM on Sunday 09/18/16. Visit the other participants on the list and read, critique and comment on their 8sunday posts. Once again I am sharing from my soon to be available for preorder short story, The Opal Ring, from Tell-Tale Publishing's 2016 Horror Anthology. Jasmine, having found the lost opal ring of King Solomon that contains a jinn, and discovered that his wishes come with a price, to feed his thirst for gemstones. Having quickly run out as his addiction knows no bounds, she obtained some from her uncle's suite, and the jinn has just cast a spell to remove her image from the hotel video cameras... ![]() “What spell did you use?” Jasmine asked, curiosity making her bold. Ornias paused. He lowered the already enlarged ruby and bent forward to gaze at her intently. Grabbing her wrist, he turned it over and held it within his hand and studied the henna-hued likeness of Sheba, the sun-rendered pentagram, the little kitty paw prints, and then looked again, deep into her eyes, her soul, and said, “So, you are a witch who wishes to be a sorceress, it would seem. Why did you not just voice this wish aloud, mistress?” “I-I. No one knows of this. I have never…” “But I, Ornias, most powerful of all magic casters should have sensed this flicker of power secreted away within you, mistress. I was too consumed by my own addictions to notice what lurks in the hearts of those around me. I have been too long in solitude it would seem.” I hope you enjoyed the snippet I posted for Elizabeth this week. All this magic makes me want to go sit next to my new friend, Fang. Elizabeth got him as a present from the Haunted Forest. Have you ever been there? It sounds scary. He is a skeleton wolf and he howls every time I bark too loud or race around the couch and bump his foot. It makes Elizabeth laugh because I really like Fang and always run over and watch his red eyes glow and listen to him howl. I wish I could howl like that! Don't forget to visit the other wonderful Weekend Writing Warriors and #Snippet Sunday authors to find some more great reads! Available for Preorder on September 25th & Available in Digital and Print on October 15th!
I blog there the 18th of each month!
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