Urban Fantasy Author
Book Bling Blog
This week we're supposed to talk about our best friend, so who else would I talk about except my VP of social media Hudson? Have you ever heard that childhood poem about having a little shadow that goes in and out with you? Well, I have Hudson. He follows me everywhere and is very interested in everything I do, wanting to participate. He's gotten me through some really tough times, and don't know what I'd do without my little stick-tight. He's also a star in this wonderful book about super dogs by author buddy Charmaine Gordon! Get a copy--the proceeds help support the Red Cross affiliated PAWS FOR A CAUSE program!
So who's your best friend?
::Blush:: I get so embarrassed when Elizabeth talks about me on her blog. But I don't mind talking about her newest release! Be sure to sign up for some awesome prizes and snag a copy of Stolen Secrets on preorder!
My family would probably disagree with the above quote. My husband in particular thinks my writing is absolute torture, especially in November. Why November? NANOWRIMO (National Novel Writing Month, in which one is expected to write a complete novel of 50,000 plus words in at least rough form), for which I have my husband trained to respond to "Not now, please, it's NANO!" with silence and walking away.
He has asked me why I can't just write during his working hours, when he's not home, and doesn't understand that sometimes I'm in the middle of a brainstorm or the muses are flowing like crazy and I just have to get down a scene or a chapter while it's sparking in my head. And during brainstorming I may look like I'm vacuuming, dusting, or out for a run, but I am actually hard at work, so a distruption sometimes makes me lose my train of thought, that thought that was becoming a brilliant ending or plot twist! So how does my husband survive my crazy writerly behavior? He complains. He goes outside to do some yard work. He comes up with spontaneous compromises like write later when I'm at work or sleeping and I'll ..... Or, "Okay, 20 more minutes, tops, and then you're all mine the rest of the night." His imagination is fairly good too. After all, he's Irish! The best undistrubed writing time in my house? During a Packer's game! |
I blog there the 18th of each month!
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