Urban Fantasy Author
Book Bling Blog
I don't know about other authors, but I only have so many fingers (not counting my thumbs or toes, and sometimes I wish I could type with those too)! SO much social media and so little time. I also have a lot of other authors I want to help out. Then there are the manuscripts I edit and critique. Oh, and I have a husband, a family, friends, other activities and hobbies to fit into my days. Let's not forget daily routines and chores. When does one actually write? Fortunately, I do have some help. First there's this hunky hero-worthy guy... Yes, my twinkle-toes, Irish-Scotsman, Sam Elliot look-a-like husband, has women fawning over him! Fortunately one's his sister and the other's his cousin. All kidding aside, Kenton is a fantastic chef, a chiropractic massage therapist who saved my running knees (despite what 2 surgeons said!), is a kind-hearted and loving husband and the best cheerleader a writer could ever hope for. But he’s busy too, is just learning about social media, and is so happy that we have our faithful friend and companion to help us out. Hudson! Tell me those aren't the cutest big brown eyes you've ever seen? This little guy helps us make good choices so we can "live naturally" and stay healthy. He follows me around the house and "helps" me do just about everything. No one EVER beats him to the door when the mailman arrives! He LOVES getting the mail. He LOVES whenever the birds chirp out their little tweets! Not one ever misses his avid attention. So it made perfect sense to assign him to Social Media VP! Hudson is not a complete stranger to celebrity. He is being featured in author Charmaine Gordon's upcoming book about rescue and service doggies, but he has never been this much of a celebrity before! He assured me that he is still thrilled with the new position (and secretly thinking it was about time he got recognition for all his hard work and attention to every detail). His favorite perk was a trip to his doggie day spa for hair, nails, and teeth. He said he especially loves Jess's purple hair. He think's it's a pretty shade and thinks she's hip (though this opinion may also be influenced by her special treats). After so much excitement, Hudson decides he needs to get some sleep in order to be rested for his important new job (and it's a secret, but the monsoon thunder sometimes scares him). Announcing HUDSON, Author Elizabeth Alsobrooks' new Social Media VP!
Romance Trading Cards?
What? Romance Trading Cards? Now, you say? Yes, now. I know there are some of you rolling your eyes, or shaking your heads, thinking that RTC's have gone the way of bookmarks and paperbacks, but that's not really true. There are still quite a few authors who offer them. There are still a lot of book graphic artists who create them. Besides, I have a lot of my own reasons for making this decision, and I'm happy to share them with you.
First, since I'm pulling my writing career out of moth balls after some pretty horrendous personal trauma (which included the death of a spouse), I needed something besides business cards to toss onto library and bookstore reading tables, to leave my signature in goodie & grab bags or raffle baskets, and to slip into the cover of a gift book or card. They're handy, pretty, and informative. They've fairly inexpensive and still professional and unique and give added "Book Bling" to just about anything! Secondly, I saw on someone's website that they were giving 1/2 the proceeds from the sale of their cards to Cancer Research, and the rest was going to offset the cost of postage and printing. Since I lost my mother to breast cancer when I was a senior in high school I instantly fell in love with this idea. I too want to do this fundraiser! Thirdly, as many of my blog followers know I read tarot and have for several decades. We have often done character readings to help fellow writers with plot development. I am in the process of creating a tarot deck from my Illuminati series characters! I felt creating some RTC's was a good place to start! Lastly, at my art therapy class (an art gallery where I regularly attend painting classes) the other artists all "trade" art trading cards, the same 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" size as most RTC's. I paint for recreation and relaxation, not because it's a vocational calling. Creating "art" trading cards is not something that really interests me... RTC's is something I would find much more useful. I decided I needed to pay back the kind artists for their art card gifts by creating a card of my own. I did contact 3 different graphic artists, but when I didn't hear back from any of them in a timely manner, and they were going to charge me an arm and a leg anyway, I figured I might as well get artsy myself. So I did! Now, what do you think of the ones I have created for The first book in the series, The Book of Life? I think they have some sparkle and shine, in keeping with their "illuminati" tradition. I have ordered a set, so will have to wait and see how they look in person and figure out how much they will cost in bulk so I can set up my fundraiser page, but I am pretty happy about them. Now I need to complete the series and work on my tarot deck. Reactions? Impressions? Suggestions? (Keep in mine that I am not a graphic design artist, but I am learning!)
I almost forgot! Only a few more hours to sign up for my rafflecopter (below) prizes and the great games/prizes at The Romance Review's Sizzling Summer Party (See my sidebar for link)!
Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Sign up below with your name, blog and email and share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday. Your post needs to be live between 12:00 noon on Saturday 06/25/16 and 9:00 AM on Sunday 06/26/16. Visit other participants on the list and read, critique, and comment on their 8sunday posts
I've been sharing from my current WIP, Book 2 of my Illuminati series, The Tree of Life. Rio, in shapeshifter form is about to leave the ancient ruins, where he has been spying on the Vargas family, when...
Rio scented half-a-dozen humans in the area, sentries, guarding the perimeter. Within minutes the men who had carried the gurney returned with it. They put it back in their truck and returned to the jungle. He now knew why they had found only one sick tribesman, but how many had there been?
The black jaguar jumped from the tree and slipped into the jungle. Just then, several vehicles approached. Curious, he turned back, sheltered in the buttress roots of a tree. Three SUV’s arrived and parked near the ruin. The area was again flooded with light. Doors flew open from every direction, and chaotic organization erupted in the form of a little Arabian man who was instantly barking orders at the men who came rushing out of the ruin to carry supplies and apparently do his every bidding of preparation, for it was immediately clear that a VIP had arrived.
I hope you enjoyed this week's snippet. Be sure to visit the other Weekend Writing Warriors and Fabulous #SnippetSunday Authors! Also, last chance to enter my rafflecopter contest below, and enter the Romance Review Sizzling Summer contest (see my sidebar link) before the 30th! Wonderful prizes and games!
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