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Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Visit other participants on the list and read, critique, and comment on their #8sunday posts.
I've been posting from my current WIP, Book 2 in my Illuminati series, The Tree of Life. Today you learn a little more about the hero, Rodrigo, whose nickname the heroine has found out is Rio. ::Caution:: Tweeked for sentence demands of Blog rules!
Rio walked deeper into the forest and breathed in the familiar odors, because the other, his darker, more primitive self that he kept locked away deep inside, hidden and almost tamed, was awakening and restless.
It was the other who increased his pace into a steady jog, and the other made his skin tingle and itch and his fingertips clench and uncurl and his toes scrunch up and squash within the confines of his boots. He pushed back, just a bit more, and the other squeezed his throat, making him growl, though it came out more a cough in sound. Almost there, he shoved through some interlaced root outcroppings and came upon a small pond. At last, his shirt was wrenched from his pants and ripped open, and he shrugged it off quickly and let it fall. His pants soon followed, and then it felt so good to tug out of his boots and socks, wading into the water. Rio dove down, a few glorious strokes later, he let himself relax,and let the beast free. His skull broadened and his jaw widened, becoming powerful enough for the incisors this other was so fond of to fit in his mouth. He surfaced and breathed; the skin on his body had already been replaced by fine black hair with darker rosettes, widely spaced and dotted with dark spots. Reaching out with a wide paw, he sliced through the water and headed for shore. Once there, he shook the water from his broad-shouldered, muscular body and stretched, relishing the release from physical restriction and confining domestic habitats the two-hundred-and–fifty-pound black jaguar padded over to Rio’s pile of clothes and raked the ground with razor-sharp claws so that they would remain undisturbed until his return because Rio might try to tame his inner beast, but his other self was king in this rainforest, and knew it.
I hope you enjoyed this week's snippet. Be sure to visit all the other great Weekend Writing Warriors & wonderful #SnippetSunday Authors. Also, be sure to enter to win a great prize in my The Romance Review's Sizzling Summer Reads Rafflecopter Giveaway & Visit their website for a chance to win dozens of more great prizes! The link is on my sidebar! You might even win a copy of Book 1 in my Illuminati series!
Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Sign up below with your name, blog and email and share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday. Your post needs to be live between 12:00 noon on Saturday 04/23/16 and 9:00 AM on Sunday 04/24/16. Visit other participants on the list and read, critique, and comment on their 8sunday posts. Previously, in my WIP, The Tree of Life, Book 2 in my Illuminati series, Kirin and her brothers were about to enter the Copacabana Palace in Rio during the Magic Ball with a kidnapped scientist in tow..albiet he is disguised in a tuxedo and full face mask..slightly drugged, though they are passing him off as drunk.... “What’s going on?”
“Oh, you’re back once again. You look great in a tuxedo, by the way. I didn’t realize you were so tall.” “First time you’ve seen him upright,” Roscoe offered, helpfully. Molten gold signaled his anger from behind the oval eye-slits of a full face mask Roscoe had secured to the scientist’s face, letting them know that if nothing else the man recalled the security chief’s remark and harsh treatment from earlier, and that the effects of the drug-soaked cloth were beginning to wear off. “Move,” Andrew urged in a harsh whisper, shouldering the tightly grasped man in the opposite direction. Kirin looked up and noted that their security team had averted them from the elevators and the safety of their penthouse suites, instead directing them further up the marble staircase toward the ballroom, unmindful of the rumpled flounces and disgruntled minglers they jostled in their haste to make way through the crush of excited party guests. She instantly sobered and followed their lead, knowing their route must surely be blocked, probably by some previously off-duty revelers who just happened to be on site. But for their enemy to have discovered their whereabouts so quickly could mean only one thing--her blind date was carrying a tracking device and would need to be searched. I hope you enjoyed this week's snippet! Be sure to read the clips from the other fine participants in Weekend Writing Warriors and Snippet Sunday! Here’s the link to the Weekend Writing Warriors central page, so you can visit all the participants sharing excerpts today…a fun way to sample new books and find new authors! (Also welcome to the Sunday Snippet visitors!) This Week's Snippet from my WIP, The Tree of Life, Book 2 in my Illuminati series... When we left off, the three siblings, Kirin, Luc and Andrew, had broken into a pharmaceutical company owned by their arch enemy, who also fund some rather nasty International terrorists, to retrieve a specimen stolen from Kirin's research laboratory. She accidently knocks a scientist (who is going to be her love interest) off his feet, literally, and then her brother, Luc, clocks the guy so they can save explanations and get on with the job at hand. They have just jumped into a waiting van with some of their men... The siblings quickly shed their coats, revealing sophisticated if elaborately embellished evening attire, and donned artisan-created masks. Kirin fastened the second dangling diamond and emerald earring and then pulled on gem-beaded gloves and watched as two of their men switched the scientist’s white lab coat for a tuxedo jacket, slapped a black bowtie around his neck and a mask over his face. It covered the swelling bruise on his chin nicely. Just then the man began to rouse and pushed against the mask, muttering, “Wha-what’s going on? Whe-where am I?” Roscoe lifted the mask, reached forward and held a cloth against the now struggling man’s mouth. “Easy, Cinderella, you’re about to go to The Magic Ball.” The van pulled around the corner to an emergency only parking zone and stopped beside a long, dark limo with smoky windows and diplomatic flags on the hood that allowed it to park anywhere, even in Rio. The party-goers, along with their once-more-docile-if-still-disoriented guest, quickly transferred vehicles. Ten minutes later, as they pulled to a stop in front of the Copacabana Palace Hotel, Kirin chuckled and said, "Well, this should be interesting--us, him, and fifteen-thousand of our closest friends." I hope you enjoyed this Snippet! Be sure to visit the other great writers at Weekend Writing Warriors and Snippet Sunday! #8Sunday #SNIPPETSUNDAY
I blog there the 18th of each month!
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