Urban Fantasy Author
Book Bling Blog
Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Sign up below with your name, blog and email and share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday. Your post needs to be live between 12:00 noon on Saturday 02/25/17 and 09:00 AM on Sunday 02/26/17. Visit the other participants on the list and read, critique and comment on their 8sunday posts.
Spread the word, share the love, warriors. Twitter hashtag #8sunday.
I'm sharing from my WIP again, Book II of my Illuminati Series, The Tree of Life. The Vargas family has sent Luc and Kirin to meet with the "Shapeshifter" faction, in Sedona AZ, their stronghold. Rio's sister, Seraphina, knows of it before he does, because he has just arrived in Sedona.
“You’ve had a vision. Tell me.” He knew what she was going to say and he dreaded it. His coming here may have been a mistake. Should he leave? Was he putting them all in danger, or was it necessary for him to stay and help protect them? The bitch would probably find them wherever they tried to hide. Better that they were on their home turf.
“It’s Isis. She’s found us, and they’re coming.” “Isis?” “No, no I think she has sent some of her children to find you, Rio. How does she know about you?” “This is all my fault,” Rio confessed.
I hope you enjoyed the snippet I posted for Elizabeth. Sorry it's late, but she has me running around organizing boxes of books and other goodies for something called the Tucson Festival of Books. She thinks 130,000 plus people go there for books, but I heard they have a lot of good food there, so I know why they're really there! I won't tell her though, since it would probably hurt her feelings.
Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Sign up below with your name, blog and email and share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday. Your post needs to be live between 12:00 noon on Saturday 01/28/17 and 09:00 AM on Sunday 01/29/17. Visit the other participants on the list and read, critique and comment on their 8sunday posts. Spread the word, share the love, warriors. Twitter hashtag #8sunday. I've been posting from The Tree of Life, and last week Rio has just arrived home in Sedona to secure the safety of his family. We'll go on from there... “Rio,” she said, rushing headlong into his arms to be swung around and then hugged close. “Seraphina, I’ve missed you,” he said, stepping back to take a look at her. Golden eyes, much like his own, glistened with excitement at their reunion and accentuated her sun-kissed skin. Her hair, darker than his, hung to her waist and held a mahogany sheen his keen eyes picked up even in the faint light provided by the open elevator door. “Stunning as ever. Am I in time to beat down any aggressive curs?” “Ever the big brother,” she countered, laughing. “Thank the stars you are home at last.” Her look sobered and she grew serious. “Trouble is coming, Rio. We are in terrible danger.” I hope you enjoyed the snippet I posted for Elizabeth today. I like the twisty trees in Sedona. They make me want to chase them, but I am too busy looking in the mirror right now. I went to the groomer today and if I do say so myself, I look very handsome. Elizabeth thinks it's a little short and asked me if I had joined the military. I posted her book trailer below. Stolen Secrets is now available on preorder (whatever that is)! Be sure to check out all the other great Weekend Writing Warriors and Snippet Sunday posts for more great reads! Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Sign up below with your name, blog and email and share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday. Your post needs to be live between 12:00 noon on Saturday 01/21/17 and 09:00 AM on Sunday 01/22/17. Visit the other participants on the list and read, critique and comment on their 8sunday posts. Spread the word, share the love, warriors. Twitter hashtag #8sunday. The Tree of Life, Book 2 of my Illuminati Series. As Kirin tries to convince her mother there's no reason to suspect she knows anything at all about Rio, Rio is headed home to rejoin his family and, he hopes, keep them safe from Queen Isis. Rising like buoyant survivors, the water-soothed sandstone glowed beneath the hardened lava caps that threatened to topple the determined escarpments. Ageless despite their hidden frailty, the bold celebration of sunset masked a secret mystery within the Sedona landscape. The breathtaking beauty never failed to hold Rio’s attention for one last, lingering gaze before he padded over to the narrow crevice behind the thorny shrub. He slipped between the rocks and headed into the main corridor. His eyes dilated as he moved deeper into the rock structure. He could feel its pull, had felt it when he got within a mile of the valley. But here, so close to the source, his every nerve tingled. Focusing, he transformed and walked upright. Alert on a metaphysical level, he knew the moment she stepped from the elevator at the heart of the mound. He smiled in anticipation. I hope you like the snippet I shared for Elizabeth this week. Not sure why she likes this kitty so much. Everyone knows doggies make better protectors. Be sure to read the other Weekend Writing Warriors blogs and the #SnippetSunday authors for more great reads.
I blog there the 18th of each month!
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The Keeper's Secret: Tell-Tale Publishing's Annual Horror Anthology
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