Urban Fantasy Author
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Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Sign up below with your name, blog and email and share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday. Your post needs to be live between 12:00 noon on Saturday 06/25/16 and 9:00 AM on Sunday 06/26/16. Visit other participants on the list and read, critique, and comment on their 8sunday posts
I've been sharing from my current WIP, Book 2 of my Illuminati series, The Tree of Life. Rio, in shapeshifter form is about to leave the ancient ruins, where he has been spying on the Vargas family, when...
Rio scented half-a-dozen humans in the area, sentries, guarding the perimeter. Within minutes the men who had carried the gurney returned with it. They put it back in their truck and returned to the jungle. He now knew why they had found only one sick tribesman, but how many had there been?
The black jaguar jumped from the tree and slipped into the jungle. Just then, several vehicles approached. Curious, he turned back, sheltered in the buttress roots of a tree. Three SUV’s arrived and parked near the ruin. The area was again flooded with light. Doors flew open from every direction, and chaotic organization erupted in the form of a little Arabian man who was instantly barking orders at the men who came rushing out of the ruin to carry supplies and apparently do his every bidding of preparation, for it was immediately clear that a VIP had arrived.
I hope you enjoyed this week's snippet. Be sure to visit the other Weekend Writing Warriors and Fabulous #SnippetSunday Authors! Also, last chance to enter my rafflecopter contest below, and enter the Romance Review Sizzling Summer contest (see my sidebar link) before the 30th! Wonderful prizes and games!
6/26/2016 07:14:26 am
Sounds like Rio may not be so anxious to leave. Nice tease! :)
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
6/27/2016 07:42:56 pm
Thanks, Jessica! He's definitely curious about this Vargas dynasty.
6/26/2016 07:38:55 am
Interesting excerpt! I was a bit bemused by the turn of phrase: "chaotic organization erupted..." etc. and the "little Arabian man". Can organization by its very nature be 'chaotic'? And how does the jaguar immediately know the ethnicity of the newcomer? Just nits but they threw me out of the story for a moment so since you mentioned it's a WIP.....best wishes on it!
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
6/27/2016 07:44:04 pm
Thanks, Veronica! I'll take another look at it during revisions!
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
6/27/2016 07:44:49 pm
You too, eh, Amy?
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
6/27/2016 07:45:54 pm
LOL! Thanks, Botanist!
6/26/2016 09:37:07 am
I love the phrase "chaotic organization" and wasn't thrown by it at all. In fact, I can visualize it quite clearly.
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
6/27/2016 07:47:44 pm
Thanks, P.T. I was kinda partial to it as it's a personality thing for our ever popular comic relief guy--Hassidim!
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
6/27/2016 07:48:43 pm
Thanks, Aurora! I appreciate your kind words.
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
6/27/2016 07:49:38 pm
Music to ever writer's ears, Cecilia! Thank you!
6/26/2016 12:55:27 pm
Interesting goings on, sound and fury that, I'm sure, means something.
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
6/27/2016 07:50:26 pm
To be sure, Ed! Thanks!
6/26/2016 01:37:22 pm
I also stopped at "chaotic organization," but to me it makes perfect sense. My desk looks like chaos, but it's organized in a way that only I know. :-) I liked it!
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
6/27/2016 07:51:18 pm
Super cool, Leah! Thanks!
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
6/27/2016 07:54:26 pm
Thanks, Christina!
6/26/2016 02:10:59 pm
I like chaotic organization. He's trying to organize things, but all the people involved makes even the act of organizing chaotic. Been there, done that. Especially with a big project like this appears to be. It's the only way to do it. It's a little chaotic in the process, but it gets done quickly and efficiently. I love how you build suspense in this piece. The reader, like Rio, wonders what the heck is going on here! Nice work!
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
6/27/2016 07:52:33 pm
Oh, you say the nicest things, Mary! Thank you!
6/26/2016 02:44:57 pm
I can clearly see the chaotic organization. And like, Rio, I'm wondering what they're making the big fuss about. Great excerpt.
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
6/27/2016 07:53:40 pm
Thank you for the words of encouragement, E.D.!
6/26/2016 02:52:51 pm
I could really feel the frenetic energy of the scene from Rio's description. Great snippet!
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
6/27/2016 07:55:21 pm
Thank you so much, Joyce!
6/26/2016 03:47:29 pm
Best wishes on this project, Elizabeth. Great snippet.
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
6/27/2016 07:56:43 pm
Aw, thanks, Diane. Always nice to hear such kind words of encouragement from a gal from the back home Mid-Mich RWA!
Elaine Cantrell
6/26/2016 03:59:18 pm
Very interesting excerpt. Love the jaguar.
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
6/27/2016 07:58:09 pm
Thanks, fellow kitty lover, Elaine!
Siobhan Muir
6/26/2016 06:46:47 pm
Intriguing entrance and probably someone to be wary of. Good snippet, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
6/27/2016 08:00:21 pm
Thanks so much for the insightful observation, Siobhan! It lets me know I'm on the right track! :)
6/27/2016 01:56:01 pm
Awesome snippet! I love shapeshifters, especially ones outside the norm. Hope Rio doesn't get himself into trouble hanging too close.
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
6/27/2016 08:01:53 pm
I know! Shapeshifters are such risk takers, right? Thanks, S.M.!
6/27/2016 03:18:13 pm
Great snippet. I'm interested in seeing what happens next.
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
6/27/2016 08:02:55 pm
Thanks, Addison!
Daelyn Morgana
7/4/2016 08:49:09 pm
Oh now I wonder what these men are up. Very curious and hope we find out next week (er, this week since I'm late). Loved the phrase "chaotic organization" too! Paints such a cool picture in my head.
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