Urban Fantasy Author
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Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Sign up below with your name, blog and email and share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday. Your post needs to be live between 12:00 noon on Saturday 11/12/16 and 09:00 AM on Sunday 11/13/16. Visit the other participants on the list and read, critique and comment on their 8sunday posts. Spread the word, share the love, warriors. Twitter hashtag #8sunday. It's NaNoWriMo, and my very first time participating in it, so of course you will be getting excerpts from my WIP, a novella, Stolen Secrets! If you have been following Book II of my Illuminati series, The Tree of Life, you will know that I just introduced a minor character, Prince Mukhtar, who appears in both Book I, The Book of Life, and Book 11, of the Illuminati Series. He is also the hero of a Romance Fantasy Novella I am writing for NaNoWriMo, a little spinoff adventure! In it, Isis has sent him to retrieve a chalice to be used in a ceremony that will break the spell the jinni, Ornias (from my short horror story) has cast upon the Ring of Solomon, before their mortal enemy, Set, can get his hands on it. The heroine, Lady Isabella Valentine, has been hired to retrieve the same artifact from an anonymous benefactor, who has sent a helper, David Khoury, to assist her on the archaeological dig. Here’s a bit from where I left off last week . . . (*Note: It's NaNo, so may be a bit rough in spots.) “W-what?” She glanced toward the door and noted two more Bedouins, standing sentry on either side of the entryway. More, she knew, would be outside, no doubt tending to the beautiful black stallion of Prince Mukhtar, eldest son and heir of Sheikh Abdul Kummel al-Rahman, Leader of the Hassana. The gold agal of his kuffiyah might as well have been a crown, but the entourage he traveled with assured his identity could not be mistaken. “Forgive me, Lady Valentine,” he replied, this time in flawless English. “Allow me to introduce myself.” She held up her hand, and said, “No need for that, Prince Mukhtar. Everyone in Cairo knows who you are. But please do explain what you are talking about.” He bowed his head politely, and took a step closer. Looking down at her, he said softly, “Of course, My Lady, with pleasure; I wish to procure your services as an archaeologist. I seek this,” he said, pulling a drawing from somewhere within his robe and extending it toward her. I hope you enjoyed the snippet I posted for Elizabeth this week as she is crazy busy with something called NaNo. It isn't something you can eat. I figured that much out, as I had to remind her twice that it was time for my snack! Harumph! Please don't forget to visit the other Weekend Writing Warriors and #SnippetSunday authors for some great reads!
11/12/2016 07:36:50 pm
I'm curious as to how she'll respond. Hope all is going well with NaNo! :)
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
11/19/2016 11:25:59 pm
Thanks, Jessica! NaNo is going great!
11/13/2016 05:17:25 am
Nice descriptions, Dr. E!! I think she's about to go on an adventure!
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
11/19/2016 11:28:59 pm
I sure would if I were her!
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
11/19/2016 11:29:42 pm
Yes, very calulating when the stakes are high for sure, Aurora!
Jenna Jaxon
11/13/2016 08:34:43 am
That is one gorgeous man in your picture! If that's who she's talking to, she should definitely take his commission! Nice descriptions throughout. :)
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
11/19/2016 11:30:18 pm
Thanks, Jenna! I agree.
11/13/2016 09:40:39 am
Great descriptions. He certainly doesn't believe in traveling light, does he?
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
11/19/2016 11:33:41 pm
Thanks, P.T. He surely does have an entire crew.
11/13/2016 09:41:06 am
The story has a nice, adventurous retro feel to it. Great snippet.
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
11/19/2016 11:34:17 pm
Thanks, Veronica!
11/13/2016 10:28:14 am
I'm already interested in these characters! Great job.
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
11/19/2016 11:34:50 pm
Thanks, Angelica! I'm really enjoying them, too!
Cindy Amrhein
11/13/2016 11:46:22 am
I am utterly intrigued! Love this kind of stuff.
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
11/19/2016 11:35:33 pm
Great, Cindy! Thanks so much for the encouragement!
Diane Burton
11/13/2016 03:52:00 pm
Great snippet. You piqued my curiosity. Good job.
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
11/19/2016 11:36:06 pm
Thanks, Diane! I appreciate the kinds words!
11/13/2016 03:56:17 pm
Adventurey romance, love it. One of my favorite places to dream about adventures, too. Good luck with NaNo. I'm at 35k on a run for 80k this year.
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
11/19/2016 11:37:15 pm
Wow, Jayne, you are my hero! 80k? Impressive!
11/13/2016 04:33:39 pm
Oh, great -- you aren't going to tell us what it is he wants her to find. Teaser!
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
11/19/2016 11:37:46 pm
LOL! Of course not, Ed!
11/13/2016 09:34:52 pm
He's pretty, but is he trustworthy? Only time will tell...
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
11/19/2016 11:38:30 pm
Thanks, Caitlin! It's really working well, actually.
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
11/19/2016 11:39:59 pm
Thanks, Amy! It sure does help me imagine scenes!
Jennifer Reynolds
11/14/2016 03:50:41 pm
Great excerpt. Man, he's hot!
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
11/19/2016 11:40:32 pm
Thanks, Jennifer! I agree!
11/15/2016 12:28:33 am
I really like the way the reader can easily "see" the characters just from the way the speak to each other/ Great job.
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
11/19/2016 11:42:07 pm
Thanks, Chelle! I appreciate the encouragement!
11/19/2016 04:14:49 pm
Flawless English must have taken her by surprise. I'm intrigued, Elizabeth. Wonder what the drawing is...
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
11/19/2016 11:47:29 pm
Thanks, Teresa! You'll soon find out!
11/20/2016 08:30:09 pm
Oh I bet she didn't see that coming! She's either going to be stunned speechless or faltered a Prince is seeking her help. I just hope she doesn't faint in shock. LOL.
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