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Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Sign up below with your name, blog and email and share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet of your writing on Sunday. Your post needs to be live between 12:00 noon on Saturday 08/27/16 and 09:00 AM on Sunday 08/28/16. Visit the other participants on the list and read, critique and comment on their 8sunday posts. I've been sharing from The Tree of Life, but I am excited to announce that they have finally released the cover to the Tell-Tale Publishing Horror Anthology for 2016 and I have a horror story in it, which incorporates the legend of King Solomon and the Jinn. The title is The Opal Ring, and it is set in Egypt (act shocked). Since this anthology is supposed to be available for preorder next month, I thought I would begin sharing some snippets. It will be on sale begining in October, launched during Tell-Tale Publishing's annual online horror party. [They will again have a short horror story contest, so tell all your peeps who like to write short stories in that genre to get ready to enter! Last year's winner The Keeper's Secret, won the cover and is also featured in the anthology. ] ![]() After finding her mother’s Book of Shadows hidden in a secret compartment of the costume trunk, Jasmine learned to enhance her father’s magic with her own, just as her mother had done. Her father was a fine magician, but with the aid of true magic, he performed feats that slight-of-hand entertainers could only mimic. She thought her power strong enough, but clearly she was wrong. To secure Vegas and escape her uncle, she must take no more chances. “What has you so distracted, little mouse?” Jasmine froze. She refused to look up past the gleaming brown alligator loafers blocking her way in the narrow service hallway. What was her uncle doing here? She took this hall to avoid him. Why hadn’t she smelled that cloying musk he always wore? She stood in the shower for an hour to rid herself of its memory whenever he touched her. I hope you enjoyed the snippet I uploaded for Elizabeth this week. We were so busy last week (did you even know they had a national dog day??!!) we weren't able to share anything, and I was so disappointed. I have been a very good boy this week and helped Elizabeth a lot so that we could get this snippet shared! Be sure to visit the other fine Weekend Writing Warriors and #SnippetSunday authors for more great reads!
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
8/30/2016 01:35:41 pm
He is certainly a snake, Kim! Thanks!
8/28/2016 06:52:15 am
Ooooo! Like the lead in! The set up prepares the reader for what's to come without giving anything away. Good job!!
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
8/30/2016 01:37:03 pm
It looks effortless when one has a fantastic critique partner! LOL! Thanks, girlfriend! I don't know what I'd do without you!
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
8/30/2016 01:38:15 pm
Exactly, Aurora! Nothing good his way comes!
8/28/2016 09:26:46 am
The uncle vividly comes across as an unpleasant person all right!
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
8/30/2016 01:40:47 pm
Perfect! Thanks, Veronica!
Diane Burton
8/28/2016 10:00:45 am
Great use of the sense of smell. Too often we forget how powerful smell is and don't use it enough in our writing. Great having her shower to get rid of his scent.
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
8/30/2016 01:42:02 pm
Thanks for noticing, Diane! I agree, and I try to work all the senses in whenever possible.
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
8/30/2016 01:43:10 pm
Thanks for your kind words, Amy! I will share some more next week!
8/28/2016 10:19:13 am
Congrats on the release and love the cover! That comment about the shower and her uncle touching her really gave me the creeps. Great snippet!
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
8/30/2016 01:44:11 pm
Thanks, Joyce. He is a creep with a capital C alright!
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
8/30/2016 01:45:02 pm
Thanks, P.T. He is a slime ball!
8/28/2016 06:28:51 pm
Oh, I do not like that man already. Congrats on your upcoming release! :)
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
8/30/2016 01:45:52 pm
Thanks, Jessica! Yes, he gets much worse, too.
8/28/2016 07:24:41 pm
Great lead in to the story. I'm intrigued. Already don't like the uncle. lol
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
8/30/2016 01:47:17 pm
Thanks, Karen. I love to create villains!
8/28/2016 11:58:13 pm
The uncle sounds oily and cringe-worthy -- a clear-cut bad guy. Congratulations on the release.
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
8/30/2016 01:48:39 pm
Thanks, Ed. Yes, sometimes it's refreshing to just hate a character straight-up, and sit back and hope for their demise...
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
8/30/2016 01:49:37 pm
Only a bit, Chelle? Good thing I make him a whole lot creepier!
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
8/30/2016 01:50:30 pm
Thanks for the kind words, Iris!
8/30/2016 11:06:25 am
Uh oh. I wonder how he found her. Great descriptions and I can tell I'm not going to like this Uncle.
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
8/30/2016 01:52:47 pm
Thanks, Daelyn! Creepy guys just sorta creep out of the woodwork, don't they...
8/30/2016 02:18:22 pm
Congrats on the release! This is a great snippet. I already hate her uncle. He gives me the creeps and all I've seen are his shoes and heard him say one line. Nicely done.
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