Urban Fantasy Author
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I am struggling with my WIP right now. I have the synopsis, the characters, the beginning, but I still feel stuck. No way could or would I write an outline to every chapter as some writers I know. Honestly, I don't feel the need to be so tightly organized. It's not so much that I'm out of ideas or that I don't know the main events. The problem I am having is just getting the actual scenes down on paper. In fact, I am struggling to make myself open the file and freewrite until I unstop my stop. Am I alone in this?
Does anyone else ever find it difficult to get back into the flow, that groove of creativity where the characters just write it for you? Sigh. I know I'm a pantser, and I plan, always, to literally delete the first chapter, or even two. I like to brainstorm the "feel" of a piece, to get my creative juices running so that I have some momentum. So why this dead stop? Am I tired of the storyline? No, I really like it. Do I hate the point of view? No, in fact I wrote the first chapter in both third and first point of view to get a feel for what I liked. Oh no, is this writer's block? Aaaaargh! No, not exactly. I know where I need to go. For some reason, I am not FLOWING. It is a struggle to move forward in an enjoyable rythm. Suggestions?
Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!
Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer - aim for a dozen new people each time. Let’s rock the neurotic writing world! Twitter hashtag is #IWSG IWSG awesome co-hosts for the July 1 posting will beCharity Bradford, S.A. Larsen, AJ, Tamara Narayan, Allison Gammons, and Tanya Miranda!
7/1/2015 07:16:03 am
Yes, the flow of writing can have its ups and downs. Maybe if you try breaking a scene into three - a simple sentence to open, a mid sentence to push action forward, and then an ending sentence with a hook to the next scene/chapter - that would help. It has helped me in the past. Or at least it got me over that writing hump. I'm hopping over as an IWSG co-host to wish you lots of positive writing verve!
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
7/1/2015 08:03:00 am
Thanks, Sheri! Some great advice. I'll give it a try. And thanks for hosting!
7/1/2015 11:22:58 am
Maybe you need something to inspire you further? Some music? Or going to a place that is similar to a scene in the book?
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
7/1/2015 05:20:38 pm
Wow, I really like the muse-seeking ideas. I could use a short road trip, for sure. Thanks for the advice!
7/2/2015 03:22:06 am
I have that problem, a lot. It might help to read what you've previously written, or jump ahead and write a scene from a different part of the story, or add some odd circumstance (man with a gun, zombie attack) for your characters to react to, which you can always take out later when you are back in the flow again.
Elizabeth Alsobrooks
7/2/2015 04:03:33 am
Wow, I'm glad to hear I'm not alone in this. Thanks for the great suggestions. I should have posted about this long ago!
7/2/2015 04:25:16 am
When I get to a "soft spot" and know where I want to go, I let myself write horribly until I get to where I want to be, knowing that I can come back and fix it later.
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